CityLAB Summerfest

To celebrate our third anniversary, we’re putting on a big summerfest on June 30, 2022, this time with a big bang, finally back on site at the former Tempelhof Airport – and with you there in person, of course!

With a view of the runway and to the sound of Berlin beats, you can look forward to an entire day packed full of talks, discussions, workshops, music and networking opportunities, organized in cooperation with the RosinenBAR THF.

In addition to the Mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey, we’ll be welcoming Sir Geoff Mulgan, Professor of Collective Intelligence, Public Policy and Social Innovation at University College London (UCL) along with many other fascinating guests.
Those confirmed to date include: 

And of course we’ve put together an inspiring program once again this year for you so you can get actively involved, learn, listen and discuss. Here are some examples of the sessions you can look forward to:

  • A barcamp on the topic of volunteering in the digital transformation
  • Workshops on topics such as service design in administration and barrier-free culture
  • Presentations around the topic of artificial intelligence and its potential for sustainability in the city
  • A panel on smart city developments in Berlin and Germany
  • Workshops where you can become active yourself and, for example, handcraft sensors
  • An AI course provided by Birds on Mars where you can experience artificial intelligence hands-on

The sign-up for the summerfest runs this year is via the tool Sched (connected with Eventbrite) – just click on the button below. There’s no need to create an account for a general sign-up, but if you’d like to put together a personalized program and register for individual workshops, feel free to create an account with Sched. The workshops are subject to limited capacity.

[sched sidebar=”yes” url=”//”]View the CityLAB Sommerfest 2022 schedule & directory.[/sched]



CityLAB Berlin


30.06.2022, all day


Platz d. Luftbrücke 4


030 95 99 96 410

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