Hello Mapping-Friends and Open Data Enthusiast!
We want to take this year’s international Open Data Day as an opportunity to invite you to a session of the Maptime-Meetup at CityLAB Berlin. We hope you are as excited us about what we have in store for you!
We will be hearing about the potentials of open data, about platforms and applications, about Berlin’s energy consumption and the mapping of German villages that fell victim to mining and more. And you can even take home a small print of your neighborhood.
The meetup will be in englisch. Bring yourself and your map loving friends and come hang out with us.
Here is the line up so far:
The Open Data Informationsstelle Berlin (ODIS) supports the city administration with the publication and application of open government data and develops applications like the Berlin christmas market map or Gieß den Kiez.
- Mapping projects for urban society (Thomas Tursics)
Since 2022, the Berlin based open data enthusiast Thomas Tursics is product manager for GovData, the nationwide portal for open data.
- Vanished localities: a brief history of open pit mining (Tim Hönig)
Data from Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap was used in this application to tell the story of open pit mining in Germany and the villages that were destroyed by that. Tim Hönig is studying interface design at FH Potsdam and works as a freelance graphic designer.
- Ask Maptime!
Are you working on a mapping issue and can’t move forward? Got a great idea for a project and are just not sure how to begin? Now you can “Ask Maptime” and get some help! You’ll have 30 seconds to give a brief overview of your project or issue (just a few sentences to get the point across!) and then you can find people to connect with over our pizza break. We are all mentors and mentees in some way, and we can help each other.
- Tool time: Get a beautiful print of your neighborhood.
As always, we invite anyone who is interested in the world of mapping and open data to attend our Meetup, especially beginners!
Got suggestions for speakers or even want to present yourself? Please get in touch and let’s chat: odis@ts.berlin!
This time Thanks to the collaboration with ODIS from the Technologiestiftung Berlin we will also have pizza and drinks for you.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Hosts: Maptime Berlin and Open Data Informationsstelle Berlin (ODIS) / Technologiestiftung Berlin supported by CityLAB Berlin