Urban Tech Startup and City Lunch

Presentation of the urban tech landscape, which features 100+ Start-ups in Berlin operating in various fields of urban tech.

04.03.2020, 12-1.30 pm, CityLAB Eventspace

How many Start-ups in the field of urban tech come from Berlin? What are the possible impacts these companies could have on the city in terms of the Berlin strategy for 2030?

These are the questions that we at Urban Impact asked ourselves as part of our project „Berlin Urban Tech Map“ at CityLAB Berlin. In order to collect meaningful data, we set up a cooperation with Dealroom and Berlin Partner’s Smart City Network.

To cluster and maintain the 100+ companies we identified – of which some even support aspects of the Berlin 2030 strategy (StEK) – we set up 5 main categories:
– Mobility
– Infrastructure and Utilities
– Enabling Urban Tech IoT
– Gov / Civic Tech
– Livability


During the event at CityLAB Berlin we will be sharing more detailed insights from our market study and invite many of the mapped movers and shakers. So we hope to see you there to discuss with us over lunch the world of urban tech in Berlin!

12:00 – Presentation of the Urban Tech Landscape by Urban Impact
12:30 – Open Q&A and Discussion, Lunch and Networking along thematic tables
13:30 – End of Event

The event will be held in English and German.



Urban Impact


04.03.2020, 12-1.30 pm


Platz der Luftbrücke 4, Gebäude H2rund, 12101 Berlin


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