Making arrivals easier in the Arrival City Berlin
No summer without a CityLAB Summer School: The city offers many challenges – and we want to work on them with you this year too! For the fifth time in a row, CityLAB is organising a summer school for students in Berlin – this time all about arriving in Berlin. With an exciting mix of interdisciplinary approach and practice-orientated focus, this year we are dedicating to the topic of migration and the vision of a city that can welcome people effortlessly. The programme at a glance:
Digital matchmakers – find your destination more easily
Berlin and other European cities can offer people protection if they have to leave their homes for various reasons, such as conflicts or the consequences of climate change. The number of people seeking protection is expected to increase in the future. Against this backdrop, we want to develop or improve digital and analogue solutions that combine the needs of people seeking protection, accommodation capacities and labour market requirements in a meaningful way. Prototypes could not only help to make available information easy to find for people arriving in Germany from a service design perspective, but also relieve the burden on administrations and advice centres by improving processes.
Keeping an overview and collaborating well
Good decisions and effective support services require the right data in good quality. For example, the number of people arriving and departing, the availability of temporary housing, emergency medical services or capacities in labour market segments, daycare centres and language schools are important pieces of information that need to be collected and made available across organisations in order to be able to act quickly and provide assistance. In collaboration with various partners from the field, we gain an insight into the topics and contexts and develop solutions for data management and analysis.

Goal of the Summer School
By working together in small teams, we want to give students insights into the prototyping of hardware and software and at the same time bring together different disciplines and perspectives. With the help of specific challenges on current relevant topics, we want to bring knowledge out of the classroom and into the city.
Summer School goes Transferale
We would like to present the results of the summer school at this year’s Transferale. The Transferale is a major science and transfer festival at which five Berlin universities of applied sciences present their current research in the fields of climate and health to the city, discuss solutions for the future of Berlin together with local organisations and Berliners and co-creatively develop new research questions for the city of tomorrow. The Transferale 2024 will take place from 25 to 27 September at Silent Green in Wedding.
26.09.24 / 12:00 am – 02:00 pm
Kuppelhalle @ Silent Green
Attendance is free of charge
Further enquiries and registration: