Prototype Workshop

Project completed

What is the project about?

The “Prototypenwerkstatt” (“Prototype Workshop”) aims to implement prototypes for digital projects meant to replace about 1,800 IT “micro processes” currently in use in the Berlin city administration. The CityLAB Berlin is cooperating closely with the ITDZ (the city administration’s IT service provider) to quickly create realistic, demand-oriented prototypes that work within the city administration’s requirements. These prototypical solutions will serve as templates for the technical requirements formal solutions will need to fulfill and are thus intended to help simplify the process of procuring these solutions from external vendors in the future. In addition to developing digital prototypes, the “Prototype Workshop” focuses on the sustainable transfer of methodological skills into the digital city administration and gives recommendations for how processes can be improved.

What are the next steps?

This project’s approach is based on agile working methods and our own design process, in which prototypes are developed iteratively and in close cooperation with the involved actors. In order to accomplish this, the CityLAB Berlin is organizing a series of workshops in which challenges, stakeholders, and existing needs are analyzed, possible solutions are evaluated, and prototypes are developed and tested. For the first pilot project, CityLAB Berlin is currently working on the optimization of the Berlin boroughs’ databases tracking citizens’ milestone birthdays and other such occasions (so they can be congratulated by city officials).

How can I participate?

This project is targeted toward interested city employees; these employees then work with us collaboratively in a series of cumulative workshops to develop possible solutions for a given challenge. Those interested in participating in this process with their own challenge are welcome to contact the ITDZ with their project proposal.


Ingo Hinterding