CANCELLED: Open the Night – Audio walk on the effects of light on insects


Unfortunately, we have to cancel the event at short notice. We are sorry if you were already looking forward to it. However, there will be another opportunity at our next location in Wilmersdorf in August. We look forward to seeing you there.

Open the Night is a soundwalk addressing the topic of light pollution. The narrative is created by moths who speak to the listener about their nightly experiences around street lamps in Berlin.

The experience uses geospatial audio technology via the mobile app Echoes. This technology activates sounds when a GPS device (a mobile phone held by you, the visitor) enters a specific zone. You will therefore need a smartphone or iPhone to participate in this artwork, to be able to download the Echoes app. For hearing people, please also bring a set of headphones.

What can i expect?

An introduction to light pollution and urban ecologies by British artist Jeremy Knowles (in English with German translation). A site-specific, multi-channel sound walk lasting around 20-40mins, depending upon your engagement. An open discussion and sharing round at the end with snacks and refreshments.

Open the Night is suitable for all ages.

The walk is available in English, German, and German Sign Language (DGS).

This event has a limited number of participants. We kindly ask you to register.



Jeremy Knowles


05.06.2024, 20:30 - 22:00


Kiezlabor location: In Lichtenberg on the Treskowallee campus of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW Berlin) 


+49 175 9277982

Registration required